Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Let go....

There comes a time in everyone’s life when you look back upon certain incidents in the years gone past and loudly proclaim “Omg!!! I can’t believe I fell for that! “ or “Damn! I can’t believe I did that”. And thats when you suddenly realize that you have grown up. It’s like, life through the rear view mirror always brings an expression amalgamated with smiles and shocks, to our faces and of course, there is this realization of sorts which puts any-time-ready-to-think thinkers like me into an incessant cartwheel of totally totally random thoughts.

So many times, the standards you measure events, people or situations against, are themselves baseless. Presumptions can certainly lead to some very seriously wrong assumptions.

:) For all those of you still trying to figure out the reason I wrote the couple of lines above, well….of late as I have (kind of deliberately) forced myself to side away from the usual and finally plunge into the things I ought to have concentrated upon long back. I realized that all this while I had been trying to measure myself against standards that weren’t set by me in the first place and hence can never be correct. I believe that unless you try to make your life better, it won’t become better. So if there is something you don’t like, you have to make an attempt to change it. You have to let go. Easier said than done. I know… But atleast I can say I tried ;)

p.s Hats off to 3Idiots- another revolution brought about by hindi cinema and amir khan in particular. It was something a lot of people needed to see :)