Life seems to have become quite monotonous for me:( each day seems to be just like the previous day. *sigh* the problem is not that I have nothing to do. The problem is that there is so much I want to do but cant do, thanks to my conscience which cant seem to keep its tiny voice shut. Iam supposed to be preparing for my upcoming entrances. Phew!! Iam tired. I need a break. Well..i have been kinda taking a break for the past one week, but still…*sheepish grin*
So basically I decided to break the monotonous getting up-coming online- studying-sleeping-eating and again sleeping routine of mine. Actually I owe this one to my mom. She has been behind me to go swimming with my bro and my three little cousins, but I had been quite nicely giving excuses (which I agree sound very lame to me now) and escaping the torture of going out in the heat at 3:30:P but iam happy I went. Not only did I actually enjoy the change I even met a very funny little fellow, about whom I must tell.
This guy (no actually boy coz he mustn’t be more than 10) was busy lazing around in the deep end of the pool. As I swam my way there, I saw him looking at me as if he badly needed to talk to someone and was litrally bursting to say something.
Me- hi!
Me- whats your name?
Boy- Shiv Kumar Nanda (he said quite pompously)
With this, he did not even wait for me to ask anything further. He himself began to tell his tale.
Boy- Actually one boy told me throw my water goggles into the pool and dive in to get it, but my lungs which had not managed to arrange much supply of oxygen before diving, became exhausted. The lungs failed to accommodate oxygen into them and because my lungs had not brought oxygen with them I was not able to come up.
(I took two minutes to understand what he meant. Didn’t know whether I should sympathise with the 10 year old or giggle at his extremely funny presentation)
Me- awww!!! Then how did u manage to surface??
Boy- it was only because of Almighty’s grace that I am standing in front of you to tell u this.
Me- but u should be carefully. U maynot be so lucky next time.
Boy- shrugs his shoulders and again throws his goggles into the water and dives below.
Instinctively I look around but realized that there was no other “boy” in the pool who could have told him to do what he did according to his little story:P
He, to put it in Ash’s words (as its her BIG day today), was a funny guy!!!