Monday, March 10, 2008


Yes…. I take back my words. Just few weeks into this sem , one of my friends had asked me bout how I was finding the physics cycle to be, as compared to the chemistry cycle. (for all of you guys unaware of how things work at my college, lemme tell you that our first year is divided into two cycles, physics and chemistry. Half of the first years study the subjects related to one cycle for one sem and the other half study the subjects of the other cycle. In the second sem, the subjects, and the cycle as a whole (:P) gets swapped )

So, my answer to this guy’s question was ‘' oh! Its awesome. Much better than the chemistry cycle (which I had to endure in my first sem.) the subjects are easier, plus workshop and EG (engineering graphics) are kind of interesting. Atleast one doesnot fall asleep in practically every class! ’'

Today, this same question was again put forth by the same guy, who stood right behind me in the workshop class and saw me practically struggle to file and saw that one small piece of metal. (Phew! It was torturous!) He kept pulling my leg all through the class . This time, i answered with just a sheepish grin. All my enthusiasm has finally worn off and cutting and chopping wood or metal till 2 in the afternoon no longer seem to be my cup of tea.

Though I managed to get through the first class of filing (which involves cutting and shaping metal) with just a few cuts, I had a very close shave with the saw today. Oh! and yes, this guy whose roll number comes just after me, deserves a small mention here, coz he is the always the first one to leave class and takes half the time that others take to complete a model.(he has helped me out a couple of times too.) I was really stumped by his energy and eagerness to finish the work, ASAP, so that he could go and meet his girlfriend. :P *shakes her head in amazement*

The few positive things (yes… iam gonna be a die-hard optimistic from now on :I) that has come out of these workshop classes is that, I get amazing sleep after I come back (:P), the yucksie mess food tastes heavenly, those three hours in the workshop is the only time when I ‘feel’ like an engineer and last but definitely not the least, my respect for carpenters and workers of all categories has seen a quantum leap. I SO admire their strength!

p.s- The pic put above is not mine(:I) and i would like to thank my classmate for it.


Debasish Patra said...

I kno..its tough.
Well... guys are always more than interested to help d gals ;)But in my colg,smart ppl lik me dnt hv to sweat it out at d workshop, bcoz we get our models done at a nearby blacksmith.
Poor u..keep filing,sawing,cutting,welding...!!!

Debasish Patra said...
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The New Age Superhero said...

i love carpentary.. it's fun... me and my bro assembled a bed in my room on sunday.. it took us 6 long hrs but it was so much fun.. i think i'll freelance as a carpenter too soon :P

Abhu said...

@ debasish- iam SO jealous ! :( i wud have hurt myslef with the saw really bad, dat dat. these college pple dont have even an ounce of sympathy :(

@ suk- :O had i not known u SO well, i wud have definitely called you insane and i seriously wonder if there is nythn in this world that u wudnt want to freelance :P

The New Age Superhero said...

haha.. so am a man of varied/multiple interests :D.. yeah am insane alrt.. insane and proud of it :D

Abhu said...

@suk - heheee!!! btw... luks like u have really taken my advice very seriously! WTF! i havent caught u online for like two days!!:O I really need to let off my pent up frustration. so u better come online fast :P

Swap said...

Oh, Physics cycle was really tiring. I remember that's when the management tried the 5 day week schedule. The weekdays were a nightmare.

But then again, I love EG and Workshop :P

Abhu said...

@swap- hahaaa!!! i sure do pity u. but the best part is that i wont havta endure any of it, after this sem :D

Swap said...

True but I miss doing both :)

Abhu said...

@swap- hope i feel the same way soon :)


y m i asking tht question here...?
carpentry n blacksmith's work done by future software technologists
i vl nvr knw y n how vl this b of any help in growing ur future prospects as a engineer (wats ur branch again?? :-S mechanical hai kya?)
rationalisation of indian education system is highly required...wish sum1 was lisnin.....
by the way I KNOW THAT THE PIC ON THE BLOGSPOT IS URS LASHA...U CANT HIDE IT FORM ME.....i can prove tht the photo is urs...but i wont do it coz its a family blogspot account...


hey while ur at it...y dont u try sumthin artistic wid a chisel n sum wood? make sum wood carvings naa???

Abhu said...
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Abhu said...

@aayush- VERY funny...!!! but sadly, dat pic is not mine :I i agree its quite useless for "computer science" students (*ahem ahem* d branch was mentioned for pple who seem to have a very short term memory). And no... i dont think i can make nythn interesting out there, coz we dont get enuf tym to complete what we have to, let alone do smthn else. AND iam SO not going in there except on mondays (10-2):I



Anonymous said...

I used to finish the workshop stuff before anyone else, but the problem with our teacher was, he never let me leave before 4..

waise I found chemistry cycle easier..

my advice to all workshop ppl: never finish the work first, they'll give u more!! ;)

Abhu said...

@rockinrav- Sad... now atleast they dont torture pple dat way. the ones who finish off early can leave. and the others like us, r left behind, swearing!

broca's area said... bro used to tell the same thing when he was in 2nd sem!!:)

Abhu said...

@brocasarea- trust me!! every sane person on this planet, with usual human-like interests will tell you the same thing :P

Jayant said...

that sounded so much familiar to my days at workshops... dont remember getting out of it b4 2 n half hrs(it was only in the last class when i ran away midway as atndnce had been done and we were being taken to another nearby workshop for "demonstration")..

anyways,i'm so glad that all this happened to me two yrs ago :)
nice,simple way of expressing yourself..
keep bloggin!

Abhu said...

@ jayant- hehee... thankfully i have just one last class to go :D