Friday, July 25, 2008

The "pink" tale.

This has to be THE most obnoxious comment I’ve heard in my entire life! It is so utterly wrong to type cast people because of their actions on one particular day. And yes, this time also, it was the poor blog owner who is the victim of such ruthless behavior.

Without confusing you people further, let me divulge the details.

It so happened that on this one fine day, when the sun was playing peek-a-boo behind the dark threatening clouds (yep, here this phenomenon happens very regularly), Abhu set out with two of her friends Sun, and V (the new entrant into Abhu’s Mad-dome) to shop for some essential commodities and then basically just hang out. Luck and all the kindness in the world seemed to have turned their back towards Abhu that day. Those of you unaware of V’s antics aught to be enlightened with the fact that she can be THE most irritating person on earth (Iam SO gonna be dead today). The fact that she and Abhu are as opposite as the poles, seemed to add more ‘masala’ to what was gonna follow. So basically, it so happened that Abhu was wearing a ‘pink’ (and white) T-shirt that day. V was in one of her ‘those’ moods and was hell-bent on irritating Abhu to the core. Hence, her new-found- keen sense of observation soon observed the fact that Abhu was also carrying a ‘pink’ umbrella, and her key chain was made of ‘pink’ colored hearts. Trust me, it was all pure coincidence. But, no! What further added fuel to the fire, was that Abhu’s bed sheet also happened to be in ‘pink’ and so was her new soft toy. That it! V needed no further nudging. Within seconds Abhu was nicknamed “Pinku” for apparently very stupid reasons. No body seemed to notice the other colors that formed a part of her as well. The blues, the yellows, the blacks, the peaches, the greens , the violets all seemed to fade into oblivion. And this can be very infuriating! Trust me! Not to forget, completely inhuman. *sob sob* .

It just not about being called “pinku”. I still cant understand why ‘pink’ is considered to be such a “kiddish” color; why this biased opinion as far as the color ‘pink’ is concerned. The general perception is that only lil girls can have things in pink. I genuinely think pink looks good on everyone and suits everything, irrespective of one’s gender and age. Yep! U read me right. I think pink, when worn in the right way, looks good on guys too. I’ am sure, there is gonna be difference of opinion on this one, but I still stand by my dear “pink”. ‘Pinku’ or no ‘pinku.’

p.s. Do you know why people have this weird tendency of ignoring friends when they are with their bf or gf??? Are they like ashamed of their partner or something? Does waving a hi! make them devoid of a few nano-seconds of being with one another??? :S

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fly'n Higher n Higher

DATED: 19th July, 2008

Iam in the air! Nope, Iam not kidding. Iam on my way back to college and this is perhaps the best thing to do on the flight. Yeah, vacations are over. It will sound very clichéd if I say that I did not realize how time flew. But, trust me, each moment just…just melted away before I could properly grasp what was happening. It all seemed so surreal. I was right there, seeing everything happen, totally involved in whatever I was doing, yet now I feel so disconnected from everything. It’s as if I was watching a movie and now I have come out of the picture hall, still feeling every emotion portrayed on the screen, yet not being a part of it at all. I really wish my mom had not broken down at the airport. She tried her best to put up a brave front, but I can’t blame her for the few tears that refused to stay put in her eyes. I know she misses me more than I miss her, but I wish I knew how to express the concern I feel for her. Sometimes I feel so handicapped in such emotional situations. I feel utterly incapable of emotionally helping out people. I become SO tongue tied. I rarely know what to say, or to put it better, I don’t know how to express my self in such situations. *shrugs her shoulders*
I was again carrying 19 kgs of excess baggage. Cant help it now, can i?? All I had was one suitcase and a handbag as my check in luggage. The flight people should allow at least 35 kgs for students, right? In any case I managed to speak to those people and convinced them to charge me for just 3 kgs of excess baggage :D Sometimes, having a cute, innocent face (and smile) can do wonders. Hehehe! *devilish laugh* But this has taught me not to take ANYBODY on face value. :P (p.s. iam planning to start coaching classes for people incompetent in such forms of art, in addition to my Love-agency, and have agreed to offering these services at subsidized rates for my Blog Readers AND commenters. So better grab the chance fast :P)
Its always difficult for me to tear myself away from one comfortable situation and put myself into another. Hence, it has always been difficult leaving home. But no sooner did my flight take the run before take-off did the familiar sensation of freedom coupled with a determination to fly high (not literally :P) filled my being. Again I have a smile playing on my lips and iam actually looking forward the” mysteries” that are “waiting to be unfolded” :D
Over a cup of cappuccino (I have become a massive coffee addict of late), Iam actually enjoying looking out of the window (yes, I always insist on taking the window seat). Everything seems so puny. (okay, I know that is like ‘duh!”) and I just love the wisps of clouds that pass through the plane as the plane gains height. This is perhaps the first time it has rained while I am flying. It’s beautiful!

p.s. I have loads more to tell but I intend to keep my posts short from now on , coz some *ahem* people (read lazy bums) refuse to read and comment on my post, if it gets too long :P

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thoughts of a "disiilusioned" mind.

(Note: After you read the first paragraph, please stop and think whether you want to read further or not. If you happen to read even one line into the next para, I sincerely request you to go till the very end of this post and bear with me even if the reading becomes a tad bit boring in the middle.)

Many a times in life, one is faced with situations, which completely shake the very foundation on which one’s believes stand. It makes them lose complete faith in the entire system which runs it. I can feel myself being faced with a similar situation and this time it is the Indian Education System which has disillusioned me.

This declaration of mine might be received with a lot of disappointed sighs and nodding of heads from all those Blog Readers who had expected me to be disillusioned by something more worthy of disillusionment. I mean, The Indian education system is like this very old topic which is debated on, each year, around the month of april-may, when the admission fever is on an all time high and dies down as august approaches, taking down with it probably millions of aspirations, hard-earned money and a lot of criticism. Each year, these kind of topics get a lot of media attention and hype (creating hype is something that media has become extremely good at.), which include interviews of principals, and ministers, parents and students.

The principals of colleges are bound by the rules laid by the government (in case of govt colleges) or the trustees (in case of the private ones). The government (and the trustees) are hypnotized and kept in control by the ministers and other ‘influential’ people who, in turn, dance to the tune of money and status. The parents are bound by love for their children and a hope to help them in every possible way, so that they can kick start their carrier well, and of course, it is also slightly influenced by their neighbor’s or friend’s child’s performance :P The ones left are the students who are also now divided into three categories, from the previously defined two categories (thankz to the hon’ble minster Mr. Arjun Singh), and those three categories are- the ones who work their asses out and manage to get admission into a respectable college; the ones who may or may not have slogged but still get admission into respectable colleges because they (or rather their parents) have the moolah to shell out, and the third category is the now-even-more-popular-than-Shahrukh khan-category - the OBCs, who can get admission without working hard or shelling out a penny (if they want to) because the number of seats now reserved for them, must be leaving little scope for too many of them to be left disappointed.

Okay, for a moment, let us just forget the Quota crap and all the pre-admission turmoil. After one manages to get admission into a decent college, the question that arises is, how decent is the level of education going to be and how much future security lies in it? Today, I was going through some resumes for my uncle, who had asked me to sort out the candidates on the basis of their qualification into two groups- MBA and Engineering grads. Initially I did not give much thought to it. But when I started going through the resumes, I was really zapped reading the names of the colleges and universities. 80% institutes fell in the category of those of which I had never in my life heard of. I actually began to question the authenticity of the large number of so-called engineering institutes that have been mushrooming all over the place and an ever increasing number of students going in for such options. Do even half those people want to do engineering in the first place? Or have they been compelled by the employer’s preference towards engineering and MBA grads? And to tell you the truth, i was told point blank on my face that only those candidates who have passed out from "decent" colleges will be considered for the job. In such a case what about the other so-called engineering and MBA grads?

Its actually not funny how commercialized and expensive education has become. Get into this field and u get the Midas’ touch. Recently a friend of mine, who did not perform well academically, was trying the management quota way, to get into a college here. Before he and his parents entered the admission in charge’s room to discuss matters of give and take, they were scanned for hidden cameras and their cell phones were kept outside. Believe me; I was really shocked and slightly amused at how low the value of education had fallen. Had the lessons taught in the classrooms been something out of the world, then I would have understood all this hysteria. But, the tragedy here is that, the lessons taught in the colleges are also so vague and insufficient, that in most cases students take out side help (read tuitions, which is another booming industry) to pass even the university papers. The amount spent on tutoring the child before appearing for common entrance tests, needs a whole new post to be dedicated to it, in order to do justice to it. People who have got into jobs will very well be privy to the fact that classroom teaching is no where close to the actual practical work. When I think of the time I had gone through, before I finally got admission into my college, I still get the creeps. I still shudder at how crazy it all had been.

The Indian Education System has been SO badly raped, that it is gonna take ages to set it right. But there has to be a beginning somewhere. If our respectable Prime Minister would concentrate even an iota of what he is doing on the Nuclear Deal, on cleansing the educational system on India, then the Indians would definitely be a happier lot. As for me, I will get back to college next week, get up at 8 and attend classes( only physically), sit in the last bench and play hollywood-bolly-wood, or the name game; or better still, think about some cute guy, while the teacher rambles about some utterly unintelligible stuff and as of now, I can only shudder at how bad things are, rethink my reason for becoming an engineering student and for not getting into journalism (as I initially wanted to) and keep posting bout it hoping that at least 2 out of every 10 readers would have the patience to “read” me out.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Random musings..

Dated: 12 th july, 2008

This is the 6 th time I have opened up a new word document today, hoping to add a new dimension to the “two sides of the same coin” Each time I attempted to type down my thoughts, I just sat there staring blanking at the screen. This has happened lot of times before and I have realized that this situation arises each time I am myself unsure of my feelings. U know, writing always helps me think more clearly. There was a time in probably 5th or 6th std, when I clearly remember throwing a huge tantrum because I did not want to write an essay given at school! I hated writing. I would never be happy with what I wrote. But gradually, writing became a kind of emotional gateway for me. Although, even now, half the stuff I write, must be utter crap, still, I have started enjoying it. There have also been instances, when I had been feeling quite low and ended up writing a post, after which I felt much better and whatever I had written sounded SO ridiculous to me, that I ended up not putting it up on my blog. (I am really doubtful about the future of this post as well)


It may sound silly, but over the years I have developed certain theories I really believe in. There is probably no logic behind them and some of them are really really stupid. (i.e. if u vow to postmortem each one of them and view them under an electron microscope). But still, they will probably remain as memories even though I might laugh at them a few years from now.

  1. I have this wind chime in my room. (I LUV the sound of wind chimes) which had been gifted to me by one of my closest friends. Each time the wind chime chimes, I (like to) feel that someone is remembering me (:P) (okay… u are not allowed to laugh at my theories :I )
  2. I believe that whenever one is genuinely sad (and I mean genuinely) then even nature weeps with them. (yes, it has always rains in such situations. Even in the month of march, even in a place called manipal, even when it is NOT supposed to rain at that time :P)
  3. When you really really want to meet someone you don’t and when u don’t wanna then you do. (you can call this Murphy’s law or law of attraction. Wateva!)
  4. Everything in this world runs a full circle before coming to an end. Yeah, this is one of the theories that I believe in very strongly. I have always noticed that something that is gonna end for ever, has to end from where it started.
  5. I believe, each person that we meet, comes into our life to teach us something, to help us in some way. We may not immediately register the importance of the person in our life, because as the say, one realizes the value of things only after losing them, but still, they end up having a profound impact on us. Very few are lucky enough to realize the value while they still have the thing (read person).
  6. Wait for your time and chance. It will come :)


Dated : 13th july, 2008

Isn’t it important to face every situation that comes your way?? Its so much easier to “ignore” everything and run away. Arn’t we allowed to run away from just a few things?? (*please please please*). *sigh*

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Twist in the tale.....

When there are too many people and just one TV in the common room (which obviously cant have more than one :P), and one DOESNOT want to watch one of those Ekta kapoor Saas-bahu dramas, but is forced to, then it comes as a huge relief when one realizes that these serials are no longer popular and people have actually cultivated some much-needed sense and have stopped believing in such ridiculous representation of life. (with due respects to lover of such serials). But, when such a thing happens, it is because something of a similar variety, but of a larger magnitude and intensity has managed to capture their attention, which believe me, is worse.

So, this time, the channels which have managed to get TRPs much higher than the other normal channels are…. The news channels. Yes my dear friends, the ardent viewers of Ekta Kapoor serials are now shifting their interests towards news channels which are now-a-days providing more drama and entertainment than any other serial could ever manage. As an icing on the cake, here, the characters, incidents and emotions are real. Voila! The news channels have hit gold! Who wouldn’t want to leave the those fake projections of life and emotions in exchange for something that is more well… more realistic?? At least here they will not hear their favorite characters coming on reality shows and claiming how badly their on-screen persona has effected their off-screen life!

Take the Aarushi murder case as an example. This is probably the biggest example I can give you. This incident, from being something so terribly moving and nerve-wrecking for the family, was transformed into a complete murder mystery, which any Sydney Sheldon or John Grisham lover would be proud of. From children (who surprising were equally fond of Ekta aunty’s serials) to the old, all that people discussed on the dining table was “ the latest update on the case”. What is horrendous is the fact that this story was so well molded by the media, that it managed to keep the viewers rapt. Throughout the course of the entire investigation, no one really cared about how ruthlessly the family’s reputation and their sentiments were murdered.

Neither do I have any special attachment towards this family to be rooting for them, nor do I have anything against the media. But it really annoys me to see such demonstration of selfishness. Yes, I would call it selfishness. Informing the masses about what is going on around is fine, it’s a necessity and that is where news channels come in. But going overboard with “analysis” and trying to act all detective, is a little too much. Then again, not all news channel are such. They know exactly where to limit themselves, which is exactly how it should be. It really disgusts me when I see all this happening, because I really think media is the most important medium of communication we have and to see it misuse and disuse its rights appalls me to a great extent. I agree they show what people want to see but still, the integrity and righteousness of such a powerful media, should not be disgraced, so much so that they end up inspiring Ekta Kapoor (of all people!!! *rolls her eyes*) who decides to base one of her plots on this case.

(p.s. 1.also read this

2.iam sure Ekta Kapoor is gonna sue me for defamation :P Sn... help!! :P)

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Hmm... i guess i have a lot to say!

I am totally bowled over!!! (And dats saying something!!!!) I finally saw Jaane tu… after waiting for it since the time I first saw its promos. Dude!!! You have to watch it. If not for anything, just for your college days, for your friends, for your dreams, for those silent wishes you have in your heart but are unable to express, for Jai (Imran), for that look on Aditi’s face when she her closest friend with someone else. Man!! I felt as bad as she was feeling. I know how one feels in such a situation. Trust me. I almost had tears in my eyes AND the only movie I have cried before in, is when I saw If only and Taare zameen par.

Even now, I have a smile on my face. Iam sure the jaane tu hangover will take days to go and the “Imran hangover” will take longer. *dreamy eyed*. I dunno how other people will respond to the movie, but the movie will be special to me for many reasons, one of them being the people I saw the movie with:)

p.s. I loved the song “kabhi kabhi aditi” and “kahin toh hogi woh”. A R Rehaman is a genius!

My holidays are soon gonna come to an end. I met up with my friends today, for prolly one of the last few times. But that doesnot matter, does it? We had an amazing time and that’s what is most important. I dunno why but I have kind of mixed feelings about going back to college. I really dunno whats gonna happen there. (well, no one knows that). I don’t know if I can go through another 4 and a half months of alternation between hope and despair (but that’s what life is, isn’t it??). I really wish there was nothn called “expectation” in this world. The effect that this 11 lettered word has on our life is seriously not a joke. I would have elaborated more on this, but I don’t feel like it, due to er… some reasons. Sorry.

Why do grown ups have the habit of pulling cheeks when they see you after a long time??? Even the child is no-longer a “child” but a 19 year old?? Cant they understand the simple fact that I simply dislike ANYONE touching my cheeks??? *annoyed and disgusted look* and I swear, next time iam NOT gonna give a nice lil polite goody-goody smile. I am gonna show how I feel about it, and people who know me, know how bad that can be!

Oh! And guess what? I met D today!!! After so long! No… chill… D is certainly no long lost buddy of mine. If you don’t remember who D is, check this out - . Btw, I feel very sorry for her. Now that she is in an all girls college, she cant possibly try one of her those antics again :P