Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fly'n Higher n Higher

DATED: 19th July, 2008

Iam in the air! Nope, Iam not kidding. Iam on my way back to college and this is perhaps the best thing to do on the flight. Yeah, vacations are over. It will sound very clichéd if I say that I did not realize how time flew. But, trust me, each moment just…just melted away before I could properly grasp what was happening. It all seemed so surreal. I was right there, seeing everything happen, totally involved in whatever I was doing, yet now I feel so disconnected from everything. It’s as if I was watching a movie and now I have come out of the picture hall, still feeling every emotion portrayed on the screen, yet not being a part of it at all. I really wish my mom had not broken down at the airport. She tried her best to put up a brave front, but I can’t blame her for the few tears that refused to stay put in her eyes. I know she misses me more than I miss her, but I wish I knew how to express the concern I feel for her. Sometimes I feel so handicapped in such emotional situations. I feel utterly incapable of emotionally helping out people. I become SO tongue tied. I rarely know what to say, or to put it better, I don’t know how to express my self in such situations. *shrugs her shoulders*
I was again carrying 19 kgs of excess baggage. Cant help it now, can i?? All I had was one suitcase and a handbag as my check in luggage. The flight people should allow at least 35 kgs for students, right? In any case I managed to speak to those people and convinced them to charge me for just 3 kgs of excess baggage :D Sometimes, having a cute, innocent face (and smile) can do wonders. Hehehe! *devilish laugh* But this has taught me not to take ANYBODY on face value. :P (p.s. iam planning to start coaching classes for people incompetent in such forms of art, in addition to my Love-agency, and have agreed to offering these services at subsidized rates for my Blog Readers AND commenters. So better grab the chance fast :P)
Its always difficult for me to tear myself away from one comfortable situation and put myself into another. Hence, it has always been difficult leaving home. But no sooner did my flight take the run before take-off did the familiar sensation of freedom coupled with a determination to fly high (not literally :P) filled my being. Again I have a smile playing on my lips and iam actually looking forward the” mysteries” that are “waiting to be unfolded” :D
Over a cup of cappuccino (I have become a massive coffee addict of late), Iam actually enjoying looking out of the window (yes, I always insist on taking the window seat). Everything seems so puny. (okay, I know that is like ‘duh!”) and I just love the wisps of clouds that pass through the plane as the plane gains height. This is perhaps the first time it has rained while I am flying. It’s beautiful!

p.s. I have loads more to tell but I intend to keep my posts short from now on , coz some *ahem* people (read lazy bums) refuse to read and comment on my post, if it gets too long :P


The New Age Superhero said...

silence talks a lot most of the times :)

i hate to fly.. i don't get enough time by myself and don't feel i've travelled then.. sucks! nothing can beat a train journey.. esp a nice 20+ hr train journey all by yourself.. it's bliss!

life is a movie.. one scene ends and other begins.. well.. the next one is on even before the previous one has ended

Abhu said...

@ suk- i really dunno whether to believe it or not. :I for me, silence has always ended up leaving the other person unaware of my feelings.

yeah, even i really like train journeys and i love looking out of the window :D

true...the next one has begun for me :I

Debasish Patra said...

Tounge tied... yes, But I guess d othr person understands us. And its betr dat way, to keep things to d imagination.

yeah.. ur gr8 gr8 love-Agency, u shud even get it patented.

#ur music player is NICE.. i mean okay-types ;)

Abhu said...

@debasish- naaah! i have stopped being under the illusion that "people understand ur feeling" and all that crap. It just dsnt work for me atleast.

i might get it patented. u never know.

# thankz for using MY words to describe MY music player

Divita said...

didnt realise this post was evenly remotely related to silence. but then again about expressing your concern for your loved ones, "you say it best, when you say nothing at all" although i still believe the three magic words must be used as and when required with the people you love, naah, m not talking about 'i love you' .. i mean sorry, please and thankyou. ;)

and how i'd like to travel - a bus ride or a train, the window seat and music in my ears... :)

P.S. - LOVE agency?!?! whoa!!

Divita said...

even* remotely

Scribblers Inc said...

thats the first in-flight post I have ever read...and probably very few exist even....

Scribblers Inc.

Scribblers Inc said...

thats the first in-flight post I have ever read...and probably very few exist even....

Scribblers Inc.

Punvati said...

Ah its always a lil sad na.. knowin ur parents will miss u more than u will miss them... but nothin u can do about it.. am all too familiar with tht :S

19 kgs excess?!?!?!?! :O

i insist on the window too. will act cranky if i dont get it :P

which college btw?

Abhu said...

@divita- yeah... i hope pple hear it, when iam trying to say it all without actaully saying anything...

Love agency... well dats a long story... :D

Abhu said...

@scribblers- :) well, like i said, i found this to be the best way to kill time.

Abhu said...

@ divya- er... yeah... 19 kgs excess :P *sheepish grin* but i managed to convince the authorities and paid for just 3-4 kgs na... so dats k.. :P
college- Manipal institute of technology:)

Jayant said...

You really did fly high!I had NO IDEA of what was coming up when I read the title..

silence is enough to tell your mom how you feel,isn't it?Mothers have this in built sensor that scans our minds!

I insist on takin the good ole mangla exp. from delhi to udupi with 4-5 friends.Trust me,nothing better than it,that too,when you're travelling in sleeper and it's raining :)

And yeah,please enroll me in your course,as and when it starts.I guess being a female does half the job in such situations but i better learn to get through with other half of the job.. :D

now u'll get sick of loooong comments so i better end it here

Abhu said...

@ jayant sir- hehee! i was also gonna initially take the train this time, but *ahem* things didnt exactly work out.

hehehee! sure...sure... i shall enrol u for my course :D

Anonymous said...

lolzz....was dattt last part supposedlyy intended 4 me;)

Unknown said...

Count me in for you classes too!

Oh..forget the blog-length...keep writing. I will read it (only when I find some spare time :)).

MIT is a great happening place, ain't it?

Tejal said...

lol yes u'd better start writin shorter ones coz i dont change my stance..i reallllyy cant read if its too long... :| i get lost midway :(

Abhu said...

@tina- yes babes!!! glad to see that u got my hint :P ;)

Abhu said...

@may- classes?? :P lol!!! k...
and thankz for the supporting my long posts! :D
oh! and yes! MIT rox!!! :D :D

Abhu said...

@tejal- oh puhleezzz!!! u will have to comment whateva the length of the post may be. hmph!