It has always been a mystery to people as to why girls keep giggling all da time and I definitely intend to keep it that way. . he!!he!! *abhu’s special devil laugh!!!*. but u know, we can giggle for the silliest of reasons.
I seriously wonder how come me and my ‘these days giggling partner –snehudi’, have not yet been nicknamed something like the “giggling twosome” or “the giggling duo” coz all we do these days is keep giggling at anything and everything. People who must be looking at us ,*ahem* must be thinking we’ve definitely lost it.
p.s. um gonna mention snehudi as sn and tejudi as tj from now on for da sake of typing less.
Okay lemme tell u some of da instances when we’ve really cracked up.
Situatn 1-(this one’s the latest). Abhu n sn meet up at college in the I.T class. This is there ‘adda’ where they giggle the max. as usual they keep cracking up at the slightest mention of any of the Thankfully their teacher is the ‘take life’ easy kinds. So she NEVER tells them anything. This lays the base for their giggling to continue into the next 4 hours (i.e for both phy n chemy prac).
They enter the phy prac giggling. Find themselves suitable places from where they can keep an eye on da .As the teacher goes about explaining the extremely BORING experiments, abhu n sn keep cracking stupid jokes so that they don’t become sleeping beauties only to be woken up, not by a prince, but by ”baba ma’am” (dats what they’ve nicknamed her bcoz of her repeated use of the word “baba” .
But the irony of da situatn was that, they had been so badly bitten by da “giggling bug” that when the teacher called all the students to the table to give a demo to the expt , and the meter bridge refused to work and the teacher tried to offer all kinda lame excuses, both of them burst into giggles right beside her!!!!! God only knows how they were saved. She didn’t seem to notice them giggling hysterically.
Situatn-2:Next came the chemy prac. Abhu n sn were s’posed to do some titration stuff. As ususal they teamed up, got da apparatus and got to work. They had kinda controlled their giggles by then. And got to some serious stuff.*ahem*. But…giggling doesn’t leave them easily. They had almost completed their expt when they made a mistake in the last part. It was not their fault. Whoever told the ‘great brains’ in the lab to keep acid in a huge jar labeled ‘distilled water’???? as I result their whole expt went wrong. Though this was not a situation to be giggling at, they couldn’t control themselves. They kept giggling at how stupid nd wat morons the lab attendants were. Though they had to bear with disgusted looks from the teacher, at least, giggling helped them from not getting depressed by da fact dat that they would have to repeat the entire expt. *giggles…giggles*
Situatn-3 (same I.T class but empty. Abhu in a foul mood, sitting and doing some sums. Sn sitting beside her, writing her record) this was the only empty room they could find in the entire college ( and that’s saying something), thankz to all the ‘love birds’ who get no better place for ‘guttar gooing’ , other than classrooms. 5 minutes of peace, and they were disturbed by a couple in search of some *ahem* space.
Had they been sitting quietly doing their stuff,abhu n sn would have had no problems.( none at all…he!!he!!) but that girl was so hyper that she was literally screaming on top of her voice rather than talking normally. Abhu, already in a foul mood, gives them dirty looks. Sn looks at abhu consolingly. 5 mins….10mins… still it didn’t look like that girl would reduce her volume. Finally abhu swears that if the girl doesn’t stop her blabbering in a minute, she will give them a peace of her mind. And yes… she does!!!
“Excuse me?? Do u mind not screaming on top of your voice?? There r people studying here. U ought to have some basic courtesy. If u cant keep u trap shut, then please find yourself another room…”
sn lookes at abhu with her mouth wide open. She couldn’t believe that abhu could actually say that ( never underestimate a Capri!!!)
The poor girl tries to talk, keeping her voice low, but fails miserably. Finally, scared of what abhu might say again, the couple decides to search for a better place to continue their…… whatever!!
As soon as they leave the room, abhu n sn BURST into giggles. Even louder than the volume with which that girl was talking. From then on, each time they cross any room filled with couples, or otherwise spot some of them, they immediately burst into giggles.
He!!he!! this is just a mere 1/100th part of the reasons we giggle. When we(i.e. and tj), have a combined class at our “dear” *smirk* tutorial, each time there is a mention of theta, psi, eppu, gamma , we start laughing. The teachers must be really thinking that we r mental cases. But its our right to giggle…
OH MY GOD. i just posted about the chem lab incident. but.. hehehheh good job! but u make us sound like utter maniacs.. which, yes, we kind of are.. but you know.. net-image.. lol
yep!! um proud to be one. lolzzzz....
gawd!!! both of u!! obsessed wit ur pracs..(all of them!!).. n gawd.. abhu.. didya actually scream lik dat to dat poor unsuspectin victim of ur anger.. gawd!!!! ask me.. i've been at da receivin end for decades!!
yeah!!i did... but she was screaming so...loudly herslf...had i not stopped her, her poor bf wud have bcome deaf!!!! lol!!!
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