Monday, November 13, 2006


*Yawn!!!*…. This is precisely what I’ve been feeling since the past few days. Ive become a big lazy-bone and feel like doing absolutely nothing. Ive been sleeping like a log. Nothing happening in the study field as well.( I know sn and tj will definitely erupt into a huge round of protests, reading this, but c’mon guyz…even I have the right to put my feet up and do nothing for a change.)Winter… the culprit behind this. Who in there right mind would ever wanna come out of da beautiful world of deep slumber??

Also…I must confess that the increasing number of combined classes, with tj and sn, that i seem to be having at my tutorial, has really spoilt me. I mean, its not my fault. Um da only girl in a class
of 27 guys. Now…though I might be in quite an envious postion for some of my friends*ahem*, it gets really bugging at times. No one to talk to and specially giggle….lol!!!! but since my wishes are being granted pretty often these days, I have been having the pleasure of tolerating some really pathetic classes, in the company of my friends. I mean, its not the teachers fault dat he wat he teaches is boring right???? So the pic u can c is wat we do to stop ourselves from falling asleep….

. well….this is just a mere trailer of what we do ( i.e sn,tj and myself…duh!!!) . it shows a tabular representation of our mental condition on Wednesdays, when we have a 3 hour maths class. Next to the table u can see all thetas and psi and eppu drawn. We’ve got to do something to keep ourselves alive, right??? tj has got a full copy devoted to all this. Its our life saver. we keep writing whatever we wanna say and keep passing it between the three of us. Me and tj use to do this at our school also…he!!he!!! good old days!!!!!

Guyz….tell me something. Is my handwriting that bad??? The pic u can see on the left, is that of a paragraph written in my handwriting. Okay… I think I can increase the height of my alphabets a bit, but otherwise I think my writing is pretty decent. Wat say???? But, English prof at my college doesn’t agree with me. I had gone to him, along with sn, to see my English marks. I got pretty decent marks. And as he stood there giving us tips on how we can improve our marks, he curtly pointed out,” you need to improve your handwriting. Maybe then , I will increase the number of marks I give you.” Not fair!!!!!!

Damn my comp!!!!! it just automatically shuts down as soon as I get connected to the net. Finally!!! It decided to take pity on me and last long enough for me to post this. As it is , I have had a “superb” *sarcy look* morning. Had to see the face of my tutorials center head whom we’ve christened “yamraj”. Look at his gall!!! Agreed that people cant seem to pronounce my name properly. Abhildasaaa, avilassssa, aubhildasa, abhipsa, avilipsa …. These are just a few of the various forms that my name has taken. But today was the height. “yamraj” calls up one of the teachers to find out if he’s free to take our class in the evening, and in course of the conversation says- “ sir …. woh ….. gupta ,aur aur ek do jan puch rahe hain ki aaj aap class le payenge???”
Gupta??????? * horrified !!!! bewildered*
Me: sir!!!! MY NAME IS “NOT” GUPTA!!!!!!
Yamraj: oh!!! Whatever!!!
I gave him a disgusted look and stormed outta his room.
I don’t know what else I will have to tolerate!!!! God bless me!!!!


Sneha said...

Actually, I made an error while recounting the handwriting incident. I shouldn't have put up a snap of my decent-est writing but that of one of the answers that i write in the exams, where i tend to over-write, scratch and basically make it look a tad untidy. Anyway, English Sir was only pointing towards the presentation and not reallly towards my writing. I, being the inveterate goat that I am, take everything as an insult type, while I now realise i shouldn't. Thanks for taking pains to read this and thanks to my mighty, intelligent, awesome friend Sneha, for inspiring me to add this update. I promise to take criticism positively henceforth. Thank you very much.

The New Age Superhero said...

ur handwritings fine yaa!

arrey gupta bolah toh kya hua?? usmein kya hai?

the drawings too cool yaa.. hehe.. nice (y)

Abhu said...

sneha: oh puhleez!!!! my writing was not that bad. he must go and get his eyes tested. and u.... one mmh u've become. see.... u perfectly suit all ur suitors- stupid fello- stupid girl, mmh-!!!!!

sun:# um trying to increse the size of my alphabets though...

#arrey yaar... u should c how badly the pple here distort my name. aisa postmortem karte hain, jiski koi had nahin. upar se yeh naya modification mere naam ka...

Tejal said...

hheehe..thank u for mentionin my "scribblin copy.."poor thing,atleast it got recognition sumwher!!!neways..sneha's rite..he must've meant ur presentation, NOT ur wrtin coz ur writin is pretty gud!! hehhehehe

Abhu said...

tejal: no re...he pointed out my handwriting. as it is, i dont think i have less things to improve on, now this additional headache.